Moomins on the Riviera is Number One!

What a great first week for Moomins on the Riviera! We had lovely and successful premieres in Finland and and at the 58th BFI London Film Festival. Now, Moomins on the Riviera (Muumit Rivieralla) is the most watched film in Finland after its opening weekend!

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Summer Update: Upcoming Films

Beata has had a wonderful summer, and she will be appearing in two films coming out in Finland this fall. More info about these will follow later as the films move on to post-production stages. This October will also mark her feature film screenwriting debut, as the animation feature “Moomins on the Riviera” has its… Continue reading Summer Update: Upcoming Films

Ode to Improv

Days can only get better when they include improv comedy. I started doing improv comedy while studying at Sarah Lawrence College. One of the notes that really stuck with me from our classes was “play at the height of your intelligence”. Why just read a “book” when you could be reading “Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being”? And wouldn’t… Continue reading Ode to Improv